Revelation 3:20 NIV "Here I am! I stand at the door and knock. If anyone hears my voice and opens the door, I will come in and eat with that person, and they with me."
The cold wind blows in the chill of the night.
It wrestles the leaves that the branch still grips tight.
They crunch and swirl, destination unknown
Carried away seeming so far from home.
We all know the absence, the alone the apart
We have all felt the longing from deep in our heart
We've all closed our eyes, praying comfort be near
Words from our mouth to our Savior's sweet ear
And just with a word, we open a door
To a warmth and a light that shows something more. Home has new meaning it was here all along
It was waiting there for us in our Savior's sweet arms
Covered by mercy, covered by grace
His love never leaves us
please seek his sweet face.
- Jenny Muscatell