Romans 8:28 NIV "And we know that in all things God works for the good of those who love him, who have been called according to his purpose."
Lord, Thank you for making beauty from the ashes. Thank you that no matter how or where the enemy tries to shake the world around us, that you are always there - Miles ahead. You planned today when the world began. It amazes me how the wisdom you left us in your spirit and your word -- stands the test of time, because YOU made time. You made it all. your creation never ends just like your mercies and your grace never end. Remind us to lean into your love always, with an open heart and open mind. Help us remember we will make it through because YOU are in control, and WE belong to you. All that we are, all that we will be, all that we have, we have because of you. We may struggle in this life, you warned us we would. But you are always making beauty from our ashes. This is not our home, but we have a God-given purpose here. Please keep us strong in our soul, pure in our hearts, thankful in each moment and growing in you. These things I pray in our savior's sweet name, Jesus.