You are a child of God. 1 John 3
You are fearfully & wonderfully made. Psalm 139:14
Under His wings you will find refuge. Romans 5:8
The Lord is on your side. Psalm 118:6
Author | Radio Host | Speaker

Jenny Muscatell is a licensed social worker, radio host for Christian Mix 106 and Canyon Star TV, and the author of The Journey of Faith and an Open Heart.
With over two decades of experience in the social services field, Jenny has established an extensive reservoir of expertise specializing in crisis intervention, health systems, and end-of-life care.
After losing her husband to a heart attack at the age of thirty-eight, and raising a child who has undergone eight major open-heart surgeries, Jenny decided to share her testimony to live out the truth taught in Revelation 12:11 - “And they overcame him because of the blood of the Lamb and because of the word of their testimony.”
Through faith-filled presentations, heartfelt written words, and a variety of outreach projects, Jenny shares her faith and experiences globally encouraging others to stand in perseverance and cling to hope. Her mission is to show others the love of God, to give voice to the vulnerable, bring hope to the hurting, and to make way for the unspoken to be told.

The journey of faith & an Open Heart

​​​A fearful mom finds faith while battling for her daughter's life against odds in a raw but inspirational true journey of trial and triumph.
Jenny's infant daughter, Faith, is diagnosed with a rare and serious heart condition leaving odds for survival grim. Jenny, a new Christian, digs heels in on a God-quest in search of the child-life faith God wants her to have. The duo battles their way through six radical open-heart surgeries over the course of eighteen years. After Jenny's husband dies unexpectedly, fear takes hold. Faith requires two more major heart operations. The battle between life and death continues while they stand in perseverance and cling to hope. Tribulations grow bigger, but God shines brighter as He intricately weaves victory through the battlefield. God reveals his power in unimaginable ways.